Church Ministries

In the course of routine activities, Church of the Transfiguration is always looking to provide growth opportunities for members who want to serve the church as part of their faith journey. Below is a description of each ministry:

This ministry includes all music used to enhance the worship experience including humn singing, psalm singing, and anthems.  Practices are weekly and led by our Minister of Music with an emphasis on good production.
The Outreach Committee directs the distribution of gifts to vetted causes that are recommended by the fellowship.
Altar Guild
Altar Guild attends to the presentation of the altar, before and after the service.  This includes the preparation of the sacraments, vessels, linens, candles, etc. and the space to make it appropriate for the feast of our Lord.
Flower Guild
Flower Guild provides the decoration of the church as directed by the lectionary.  Traditionally, fresh seasonal flowers and greens are favored.  The effort is weekly in preparation for Sunday morning and special services.
Lay Reader
These volunteers serve by reading the Old Testament, Psalm, and New Testament during the services, usually as directed by the liturgical calendar, or by clergy.
Lay Eucharistic Minister
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are sanctioned by the Bishop for service at the altar, such as distributing the blessed bread and wine during the celebration of a Eucharist.
Ushers meet and greet, acting as hosts to the parish.  They distribute bulletins and assist during the services.  A primary task is transporting collection plates to the altar at the start of communion.
Tellers are responsible to collect the gifts and account for them to the Treasurer.  Tellers are thoroughly trained and work in teams to ensure the gifts presented are properly handled.
& More ...
This collection is by no means exhaustive.  If you are compelled by the Spirit to serve in a different context, please contact Scott Myers, Senior Warden, so that we might find a place to express your gifts.

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, 
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.  +1 PETER 4:10