Outreach Committee
The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me'. +MATTHEW 25:40

The Church of the Transfiguration Outreach Committee meets regularly to discuss ways to address needs in the local, national and international communities.  We create and oversee a calendar of outreach events through the year for church member participation.  Examples of events include food bank collections, special holiday food collections, Advent giving tree gift collections for specific demographic groups, or collections of toiletries, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene and clothing items request by local non-profit organizations.

The committee also makes grant funding decisions in support of our Lord's command to care for the 'least of our brothers and sisters'.  We make annual grants to local organizations that provide for basic needs in the community.  We respond to special requests for disaster relief funding through Episcopal Relief and Development.  We also consider requests from church and committee members as they arise. 

Please contact Linda Myers at 301-471-6638 or lmmyers@xecu.net for more information.

"He's got the whole world in His hands ..."
+traditional African-American spiritual
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Christmas Collection | December 2024

Try to limit your content to a maximum of 2 - 3 sentences so that you don’t lose your readers interest. A great way to break up large amounts of text is to create additional blocks.

You Can Help -- Give Beds to Local Children!
Middletown Valley People Helping People
Holiday Craft Fair | Nov 16, 2024

Outreach at Church of the Transfiguration supported this esteemed local seasonal event with the donation of a "Fry" Away With Me gift basket including an Air Fryer and related items for the raffle.

Make a note in your calendars to kick off your holiday season with this special event next year!

Blessing of the Animals
Saint Francis Day | Oct 6, 2024

On Saint Francis Day, parishioners brought items representing their pets, such as a collar or favorite toy, to be blessed during the service.  In addition, donations were collected for the local Frederick Animal Control shelter.  We treasured this chance to celebrate all God's creatures, great and small!

Help our Frederick Animal Shelter

If you were unable to attend the service, but would like to contribute to the efforts of our local animal shelter, click below to learn how you can help!

Donation Details